Conducted 4 times Yeshwant Talent Search Examination
Students can choose any one date as per their convenience The examination shall be conducted Online
YTS Exam Date
3rd & 10th Dec 2023
17th & 24th Dec 2023
For Yeshwant & Yeshasvi Batches
Counseling dates will be allotted between
15 Dec – 10 Jan
Last date for Admission Confirmation
15 Jan 2024
on first offer first claim basis

असंख्य प्रश्नांचे एकच लॉजिकल उत्तर... अकरावीच्या उंबरठ्यावर...
pls pls चुकवू नका !

Mrs. Geetanjali Shaligram
It was shocking to know 22000 students appear for IIT exam and take up exorbitantly charged coaching...where not even 100+ actually clear the exam..very helpful guidence.

Very helpful guidence. After giving the aptitude test...I was cleared to taking the decisions after 10th.
Sir, I am overwhelmed by the way you infuse students with the spirit of a win-win situation. Hats off to you. I failed to go through your message in time. Increase it the next day. Otherwise, we would have 100% made to attend it at any cost.
It's a blessing to listen to Dr Shantanu Deshpande. I would love to attend in case it gets repeated later. But please inform me at least one day in advance. It's a rare opportunity and the most awaited by us. I am very much Sir thankfully for having remembered us to inform you. It's our misfortune that we missed it. You all are perfectly suitable for the class as the meaning of the name indicates: IGNITE